We Are The Sidney Lions
The Sidney Lions Club has served the community of Sidney, Montana and surrounding area since 1971. We serve where we live, as well as globally, and we have fun doing it.
Though well known for its successful initiatives in vision health, Lions service is as diverse as its members. We meet all sorts of needs, from delivering meals to the elderly to helping victims of natural disasters. Lions give 100 percent of donations to our causes. We cover all our costs through our dues.
Our club meets semimonthly on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at the Moose Lodge in Sidney. Come join us for lunch at 12noon and meet our wonderful group.
Each year we pride ourselves on giving back to our communities. These are a few of the many projects, events, and services that we do:
Meals on Wheels delivery
Senior Pie Social for Crestwood and Lodge residents
Flags for First Graders
Annual Spring Bunco Social
Highway Cleanup
Youth Track Meet
NHS Awards
Memorial Day Flags and Parade
Family Trap Shoot Fundraiser
Vision Screenings
Trunk or Treat
Christmas Wreath Fundraiser

Club News
Sidney Lions Club Takes Care of Mother Nature
Earth Day was a bit too windy, but this Lions
Sidney Lions Club Presents Academic Excellence Certificates
on Monday, May 6th to 95 Sidney High School students
Contact information
Sidney Lions Club
[email protected]