
Protocol for District Governor’s Visit

Protocol for District Governor's Official Visit

To assist Clubs in observing proper protocol, the following guidelines are being provided:

Delegate a member, or members, to meet the District Governor upon arrival and see that he/she is properly entertained prior to call to order.

Be sure that the place of honor, next to the President, on the right, at the head table, is reserved for the District Governor. The Zone Chairman, if accompanying, should be seated to the right of the Governor.

Advise your Program Chairman in advance of the Governor’s visit to avoid a conflicting program. The District Governor is the program.

The accepted form of introduction is for the Club President to introduce the Zone Chairman, who will, in turn, introduce the District Governor.

Advise the Tail Twister to go easy on the Governor. He/She is usually a good sport, but Tail Twisters, at times, get carried away, making things uncomfortable.

Remind members, at meetings preceding his visit, that his/her Office demands respect; that they should rise and salute the Governor with applause when he/she is introduced; and further, that any member addressing the Governor should stand when doing so.

Remember that the Governor would like to meet with the Club Officers and Directors either prior or following your regular meeting. Try to have 100% representation.

Do not hesitate to discuss Club programs with your District Governor. It is his/her job to help solve problems and give new ideas to Clubs that have run out of ideas. Maybe your Club has ideas that will help others. Make this meeting with your District Governor a real “down-to-earth get-together.”