

Lions Clubs International Foundation, Newsletters

Lions Clubs International Update

Dear Fellow Lions,

We are still going through trying times around our District. Most clubs are not meeting or meeting via video, our convention was cancelled and we all look forward to getting out and about again.

Although we may not be as active at the club and district level our International Foundation continues to meet needs around the world. This is the time many clubs have made donations to the Foundation, and it is just as important to do so again this year.

An outline of montana state with the lions clubs logo.     Lionsclubsinternational Foundation has awarded over $1 million dollars worldwide to address the COVID-19 pandemic with the purchase of personal protective equipment for front line responders. Your foundation is also giving relief to the tornados and flooding areas here in the United States. We are looking at the possibility of a $10,000 Emergency Grant from the Foundation for relief here in Montana from the effects of COVID-19.

I will keep you informed of any changes, but the need is there, not only for COVID-10 relief, but also for hurricane and fire relief which will be coming into the forefront soon.

Remember 100% of all donations from clubs and individuals go to relief and are tax deductible for individuals. Online donations can be made through [email protected].

Yours in Lionism, PDG Lary Garrison, LCIF Dist. 37 Chair

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