

Lions Clubs International Foundation

Lions Clubs International Foundation News

Dear Montana Lions,

Another month and YOUR FOUNDATION continues meeting crisises and meeting needed services all around the world. This presently includes the United Stated with forest fires in the west and hurricanes in the south.

I know I am always asking for your support, but, YOUR FOUNDATION does not stop because of the season or a weekend. The Salvation Army is asking for donations, but, how much of what they receive is used for administration fees just for salaries? I do not know, but I do know how much of the donations given to our Foundation goes to administrative costs. NOTHING! 100% of your dollar goes to provide releif to those in need.

Please consider giving to YOUR FOUNDATION to provide relief to those in need now and the needs in the coming months. We have had 3 hurricanes reach landfall and it is not the height of the hurricane season. Fire season has months to go and who knows what else YOUR FOUNDATION will be called upon to provide relief.

Go to lcif.org/donate and make a donation, even if it is $5. If every Montana Lion donated $5 a month that would be about $8,300 a month or $99,600 a year. We have averaged that in Grants to us for several years, and, there are clubs in Montana with plans to continue providing needed services to our fellow Montanans!

Thank you for your support, PDG Lary Garrison, District 37 LCIF Chair

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