

Club News

The Ennis Lions Club Peace Poster Contest

The Ennis Lions Club proudly supports the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest. We run two contests in our middle school, 6th grade and 7th grade. This year we had 63 participants combined. The photo is at our award ceremony where we gave the 1st place winners each $50 and two runners up in each group $25. We also give $100 to each of the two classes as a thank you for participating. The teachers love this program and many of the students put a lot of pride and effort into their posters. After the contest, all of the posters are hung up on the walls in our post office for public viewing for two weeks. We feel that this is a great international program that gets the young people thinking about global peace. The Lions pictured are Lion President Ken Sciuchetti and poster chair Lion Jim Forsberg, photo by Lion Russ Whitaker.

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