

Club News, Community Service Projects

Ennis Lions Wrap up a Remarkable October

Ennis Lions Club Wraps Up a Remarkable October with Inductions, Fundraisers

and Community Spirit

The Ennis Lions Club has had an action-packed October, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to community service and fundraising for important causes. The organization has been hard at work, making a significant impact within the Ennis community and beyond.

In an inspiring display of growth, eight dedicated individuals were formally welcomed into the Ennis Lions Club family during the month of October. These new Lions have joined the ranks of the committed individuals who strive to make Ennis a better place for all its residents. Induction ceremonies are always a special time for the club, as they introduce fresh faces, ideas, and enthusiasm into the organization. Ennis now boasts a strong 71 total members.


The Ennis Lions Club also successfully concluded their rifle raffle fundraiser, which saw enthusiastic participation from the community. The lucky winner, hailing from Billings, walked away with a brand-new rifle. Beyond the exciting prize, the fundraiser managed to raise over $2,000 in funds, which will be utilized for various charitable initiatives, further strengthening the Lions’ commitment to serving their community.

As Ennis prepared for a winter wonderland, the Lions didn’t wait for the first snowfall. The club members were out in force, decorating the Ennis Lions Park for Christmas, creating a magical atmosphere that residents can look forward to during the upcoming holiday season. This early effort showcases the Lions’ dedication to spreading joy and unity within the community, even before the first snowflakes fall.

October will draw to a close with two fantastic events that promise fun and fundraising. First, the Halloween Bingo Fundraiser, offering an entertaining experience for families and friends to win thousands of dollars in prizes. Second, the highly anticipated Lions Halloween Carnival, a grand event benefiting various community and student organizations. This carnival promises to be a thrilling celebration of community spirit, with games, a haunted house, costume contest and entertainment for everyone.

The Ennis Lions Club is excited to continue serving the community and looks forward to an eventful November with more community projects and initiatives. Their mission remains steadfast: making a difference in our community and throughout the world by supporting those in need.

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