

Club News, Community Service Projects

PlusOptix Screening Continues Across Montana

From Winnett Lions:  PDG Melody so enjoyed these little ones during the Vision Health Screening at the Sweet Pea Day care in Winnett.  We Serve!

From Cut Bank & Sunburst Lions:  Cut Bank and Sunburst Lions have joined forces to screen over 650 students in Cut Bank, Sunburst and Shelby Elementary schools thus far in October and November.  We Serve!


From Columbia Falls Lions:  The Columbia Falls Lions Club completed two days of PlusOptix eye testing of C-Falls school kids at District Six.  They screened 895 students with 101 referrals.  The PlusOptix is done once a year and put on by Flathead Valley Plus Optix.  Special thanks to Dave and Teresa Falcon from Kalispell Sunrisers Lions who heads up this project.  Plans are already being worked on for next years’ testing.  We Serve!




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