

Lions Clubs International Foundation

You and the Lions Clubs International Foundation.



Campaign 100 logo for LCIF     Most of us are homebound or have limited outside activity, but “OUR FOUNDATION” is hard at work serving those in need around the world! Our Foundation has given Italian Lions $350,000, to mention only one nation, in their fight against NOVID-19, and has set up a new $10,000  NOVID-19 emergency grant for Districts around the world. Our Foundation does not have unlimited funds to meet this pandemic, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes which we know are coming, even to Montana!

Montana has received over $300,000 over the past 3 years and has a $44,000 grant awaiting approval along with several clubs putting together projects to submit for grant consideration. What can we do to repay, or payforward, for assistance we know we will need to ask for to complete service and meet humanitarian needs in Montana?

$8 a month or $100 a year from each member of your club qualifies for the 100/100 Club recognition. Your Club will receive recognition, each Club Member will receive recognition, but most importantly Our Foundation will be able to continue meeting service and humanitarian relief worldwide, including Montana.

A $100 gift can fund 2 cataract surgeries, Lions Quest curriculum for 1 year, 18 Diabetes screenings, 100 Measles vaccinations for children, regular access for 14 cronically hungry people, Equipment testing for 8 young cancer patients, Access to clean water for 14 people and immediate relief for 4 victims of a natural disaster. You can go online to lionsclubs.org/donate {for a one time gift} or by credit card through direct withdrawls from your bank accoundt (ACH) for monthly donations.

I wish every Lions Club would qualify for this, but even if your Club does not, you can still do your part to ensure the continuation of Lions Serving the World. I want to thank all who have, are or planning for your donations. They all make a difference!

Yours in Lionism – We Serve, PDG Lary Garrison, District 37 LCIF Chair  

If you have any questions contact me at: [email protected], (406)855-6997, 703 Conway St., Billings, Mt. 59105

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