

Club News, Community Service Projects

Ennis Lions Empower Community Safety at Bike Rodeo Event

Ennis, May 13, 2023 – In a remarkable display of community spirit, the Ennis Lions Club assisted with the Madison County Public Health Department’s First Annual Bike Rodeo, where they provided invaluable support to promote bicycle safety and awareness. Participants had their bikes inspected, received new helmets, learned crucial safety and hand signals, and practiced riding on a specially designed course, including navigating crosswalks.

The event, held at the Ennis Rodeo Barn, attracted a diverse group of children, ranging from young strider bikers to seasoned riders. The Ennis Lions Club, renowned for their commitment to community service, played an instrumental role in ensuring that the event was both educational and enjoyable.

Volunteers from the Lions Club meticulously inspected bicycles, ensuring they were in optimal condition for safe riding. Participants were provided with brand new helmets, properly fitted to guarantee optimal protection. The Lions shared essential safety tips and taught hand signals, empowering individuals with knowledge to navigate roads confidently and responsibly.






The highlight of the Bike Rodeo was the bike course, carefully designed to simulate real-life scenarios. Participants had the opportunity to practice riding, maneuvering around obstacles, and executing safe crosswalk procedures. This hands-on experience allowed riders to enhance their cycling skills and become more adept at sharing the road with other vehicles and pedestrians.

To conclude the event on a high note, the Ennis Lions generously provided delicious hotdogs, chips, and beverages to all attendees and parents. This act of kindness not only nourished hungry participants but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and community among those present.

The Bike Rodeo, organized by the Madison County Public Health Department and made possible by the dedication of the Ennis Lions Club and the enthusiastic participation of community members, successfully raised awareness about bicycle safety and instilled valuable skills in its participants. The event showcased the Lions’ unwavering commitment to fostering a safer and more inclusive community for all.

Submitted by Corinna Christensen



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