

Club News, Community Service Projects

Shepherd Lions Celebrate 55 Years of Service

On September 9, 2023, during our annual Jamboree, the Shepherd Lions Club celebrated their 55th Anniversary.  District Governor Brian Gertiser was on hand to present Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to three club members:  Matt Beddes, Rebecca Beddes, and Agnes Beddes.  The Jamboree is the major fundraiser for the Club which supports the Shepherd Lions Community Center & Park and various projects at the Shepherd Schools.
Matt has been club president since 2012
Rebecca is active behind the scenes helping organize the Jamboree & other club activities
Agnes, a member since 1987, has served many terms as various officer & director positions.  Other family family members who are or have been Lions include her late husband, her sons & daughters-in-law, and grandchildren.



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