District Election Results (from mail-in ballot in lieu of convention)
District 37 2020 Election Details
Potential Voting Delegates | 165 |
Returned Delegate Certification Forms | 29 Clubs |
Total Voters | 56 |
Votes | Item |
56 | Votes for DG Candidate Mike Collins |
56 | Votes for 1st VDG Candidate Michael Tobin |
56 | Votes for 2nd VDG Candidate Scott Dornfeld |
56 | Votes for Kalispell as the site for the 2021 convention |
55 | Votes for Constitution Resolution – Officers and District Cabinet |
52 | Votes for Constitution Resolution – Miscellaneous |
52 | Votes for By-Laws – Article I – Section 8 |
1 | Vote Against the Proposed Change to the By-laws |
There was only 1 vote in opposition to any of the ballot proposals. Several of the ballots were incomplete.
Ballots have been appropriately destroyed.
PDG Dennis Kopitzke, Chair, Elections and Certification Committee
Lion Darrell Grogan Forsyth Lions Club
Lion Bob Martelle, Forsyth Lions Club
Lion Gordon VanAsh, Forsyth Lions Club
PlusOptix Eye Screening Update
Reprinted from Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (MLS&HF) Newsletter
Hello Fellow Lions – with the overwhelmingly proven success of the PlusOptix Vision Screening machines the MLS&HF decided to pre-purchase TWO machines to keep on hand for clubs looking to add a PlusOptix machine to their community. If your club is interested in puchasing a machine please contact me at [email protected] or 406.253.1726 or 406.257.2258. The cost is $7,235.00, included is the S-12 machine with printer and labels. For $7,015.00 you can just purchase the S-12 machine. The machines are available now to be shipped or possibly delivered in person, depending on location. Keep in mind, I am willing to provide personal training at a specific location and time that works for the purchasing club, you will not have to fly blind using these machines.
Reminder: please send in your total screened and total referred, monthly. With this information we are able to purchase more machines and provide up to date statistics on the amazing work the Montana Lions do in their communities helping to alleviate vision issues for the future leaders of tomorrow.
As of March 13, 2020; 26,993 children have been screened in the State of Montana for FY 20 with 2780 referred.
– Lion Dave Falcon – [email protected] / 406.253.1726 / 406.257.2258
Montana Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation April Newsletter
Click the image at right for a copy of the newsletter containing the winner of the ATV raffle, PlusOptix info, License Plate campaign update, White Cane, and more.
District LCIF Chair Update
Dear Fellow Lions,
We are still going through trying times around our District. Most clubs are not meeting or meeting via video, our convention was cancelled and we all look forward to getting out and about again.
Although we may not be as active at the club and district level our International Foundation continues to meet needs around the world. This is the time many clubs have made donations to the Foundation, and it is just as important to do so again this year.
We are looking at the possibility of a $10,000 Emergency Grant from the Foundation for relief here in Montana from the effects of COVID-19. We have been working with the Billings and Bozeman areas as they have the majority of cases, however I will be working with the Food Banks around the state. At present the Food Banks are not eligible, however, the BODs are looking at including them as recipients.
I will keep you informed of any changes, but the need is there, not only for COVID-10 relief, but also for hurricane, tornado and flood relief which will be coming into the forefront soon.
Remember 100% of all donations from clubs and individuals go to relief and are tax deductible for individuals.
Yours in Lionism, PDG Lary Garrison, LCIF Dist. 37 Chair
Pandemic Advice from Our International Director Candidate
Reposted from March 31, 2020
From the Desk of PCC Lion Ben Apeland
Your Montana USA Candidate for International Director
There have been a lot of text messages, emails, and calls inquiring about what Lions can do to help with this pandemic. After giving this some thought and also receiving input from PDG Christine and other Lions from both within the District and some of the surrounding Districts here is what we have come up with.
Let’s take care of our own: By this I mean taking care of the members of our clubs that need our assistance. Seniors in our clubs may need help getting a few essential items. Maybe a member who is in self isolation or quarantine may need something delivered to their home. I am thinking of two Lions who have returned from Nevada and are in self isolation for 14 days, what can my club do to help them? Maybe you have a club member who has mobility issues compounded by this emergency. Contact them to offer some support. Keep the lines of communication open in your club, email, or Zoom meetings, keep connected.
Let’s take care of our Families: Perhaps you have family members in another community. Parents who need help, we could ask a Lions club in their community to help. Other family or friends in need? You can let a local club know you need assistance. This can be done by contacting our District Governor Team. They have the tools and resources to reach out to other Lions Clubs and Districts.
Let’s take care of our communities: Helping facilities in your communities in lock down or other containment situations. Seniors need social connections, especially those who may not have their family or friends near them to visit, but that does not stop a Lions Club from helping. Sponsor an ice cream social at a senior home. We do not have to enter however; this can be organized with the facility staff. Tea or coffee breaks in the homes. Sponsor a movie and popcorn night. Be creative, there are lots of things we can do to help care facilities without entering the buildings. Perhaps someone creative can figure out how to help parents who have young children who are now home due to canceled schools with some sort of safe daycare so they can continue to work. These are just a few ideas that we have come up with. I know that all our Lions are resourceful people. If you have any other great ideas, please share them on our Face Book page montana lions district 37 or the web page montanalions.org.
Making Service a Part of Your Life.
Lion Ben
Official Sources of Information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Webmasters Note: Lions: Amid the ongoing virus situation, the need for accurate, reliable and regularly updated information is essential. Please use the links below and share them with your fellow Lions.
- CDC Coronavirus Information page
- Montana State Governor’s Task Force (includes links for public health, information center, and official state newsroom)
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Why Subscribe? Communication between clubs (and from the district) is a critical aspect of what Lions are about. Yes, your individual projects and interests are important, but awareness of other’s successes, lessons learned, and resources available to assist your club are valuable assets. It only works if individual Lions participate in the process. The first step is to register by filling out the three boxes in the upper right hand column and clicking
April 2020 District Governor’s Newsletter
Click here to open a copy. Share it with your club.
We are Back!
Webmaster’s Note:
After resolving technical issues, montanalions.org is back! Today, April 23, marks a new beginning for this website dedicated to the Lions Clubs of Montana. It will be a few days before the site has current information restored and new posts begin. Your patience is appreciated.
Check in occasionally for news in these posts as well as information provided in menu items in the banner above or the column at the right.
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